13 – 14 JUIN 2024
Booth : 628
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The guarantee of a good start!
After machine delivery the C-GEX training team trains operators and supervisors and transfers the C-GEX know-how so that customers have immediately maximum benefit of the C-GEX technology.
Shell pressing on the C-GEX upholstery press.
For uniform adhesive heat activation and gluing of textiles to foam
C-GEX also designs large upholstery presses for the upholstery of medical inspection couches.These machines are web capable and are also convenient for the upholstery of smaller items.
Although our customers like and value the high quality of the machinery we supply, they especially appreciate the availability and support of our experts who help them achieve outstanding upholstery performance through a combination of faultless technology and human backup. In addition to our technological systems, our specialist knowledge and long experience allow us to provide customers with a complete service of high-performing machinery and invaluable training.